This past summer I unfortunately suffered a broken vertebrae. Due to the lack of rotation on my spinal column, I was forced to sleep on my back and subsequently developed a wound on top of the vertebrae. I was able to take care of the fractured bone through therapy. However, my wound was much worse and more painful than the fracture. I was told to avoid friction but no one explained how to do it. Although I tried to figure out various ways to accomplish this, the wound kept getting bigger.
A friend of mine who works at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami Florida told me about Ergomedic USA. I contacted Alain who came to my home in New York. Using the pressure mapping computerized technique he developed, he created a program of different cushions to protect my wound while I was sleeping; other cushions while I was sitting; and other cushions while I was traveling. There was no friction on the wound 100% of the time. In a little more than two weeks the wound miraculously became 40% to 50% smaller. The wound completely healed after another two weeks on this program.
It was a true miracle that freed me from the terrible pain and healed my wound. This never would have happened without the system created by Alain Laferriere.
Gerry G., New York
"Thank you for your time, concern, and expertise--You are helping people like myself with a serious problem. Sometimes, I think that a pressure sore in a paralyzed person is as bad or worse than the paralysis itself."
Ed K., Florida USA
"For the past two years my Ergomedic cushion has been a perfect complement to my active lifestyle. I work full time and I am also an endurance athlete, with 21 marathons to date. The cushion has allowed me to stay seated on an average of at least 12 hours per day with great posture, comfort and no adverse consequences to my skin. This is one outstanding product.”
Renzo M., Florida USA
"The cushion works perfect for my daughter, her skin is great and she hadn't had pressure sores for almost three months now. I think products like yours really make a big difference in people like my daughter and improve their quality of life".
Claudia S., Guatemala
" The Ergomedic Cushion is GREAT! The Sore Healed up in Two weeks, and has NOT came back and I have NO problems with Redness or Pressure Points anymore. I wish I knew your company when I got hurt. Thanks a Million !"
Lee C., Florida USA
" My new cushion designed and made by Ergomedic USA using the pressure mapping computerized technique has helped me to heal the irritation skin problems that I had. After only a few weeks of using it, my skin has returned to normal, the redness has disappeared. I do recommend it to wheelchair users. This new method of solving joint pressures really works."
W. Ramírez, Caracas- Venezuela
"Dear Mr. Alain, Thank you very much for all your help. You make my life easy. God bless you"
Shelley O., Florida - USA
Wound healing process over a period of 1 month

Patient 1 Pressure Before

Patient 1 Pressure After

Patient 2 Pressure Before

Patient 2 Pressure After
(Residual pressure from brace)

Patient 3 Pressure Before

Patient 3 Pressure After

Patient 4 Pressure Before

Patient 4 Pressure After

Patient 5 Pressure Before

Patient 5 Pressure After

Patient 6 Pressure Before

Patient 6 Pressure After

Patient 7 Pressure Before

Patient 7 Pressure After